Topical Index

I am currently designing a topic index for the online grammar. The aim is to make the grammar more useful for review.

While the primary target of the grammar is students in their first year of study, the index will increase the usefulness of the grammar for people who learned Greek some time ago, but need to review in order to improve their reading skill.

The format is rather preliminary for the moment, but I have made the index live so that you can give me feedback as the work progresses. Obviously, the list of topics in the index will increase rapidly as the grammar grows. If you have suggestions for what you would like to see in the index, just let me know. I’ll do my best to accommodate.

You can view what little I’ve done so far on the index here: Topical Index

Lesson 15: Third Declension Consonant Stem Nouns

I have revised lesson 15 to reduce the size of the vocabulary list and clean up the discussion of third declension nouns. I have entered some revisions for lesson 16 as well, but will complete those over the next few days—long distance, from Peru.

What should be in a web-based introductory grammar?

Introductory Greek grammars have been available on the web for some time now, but several are simply web versions of what is available in print, or are the notes of a Greek teacher presenting his or her favorite sequence and wording of what is already available in print.

What should be different about a web based grammar? What would you like to see in a web based grammar that you do not already find in a printed textbook?

I ask these questions for a concrete reason. I would like to add an introductory Greek course to I want to make it a truly native web experience, containing interactive exercises, reading passages, etc. What features would you like to see it include?