I have added the following article by Thomas Hudgins to A Comprehensive Bibliography of Hellenistic Greek Linguistics.
Hudgins, Thomas W. “An Application of Discourse Analysis Methodology in the Exegesis of John 17.” Eleutheria: Vol. 2: Iss. 1 (2012), Article 4.
Here’s the comment I made on it there:
Hudgins applies discourse analysis methodology to the seventeenth chapter of John’s Gospel. The familiar prayer of Jesus in that chapter has traditionally been analyzed in terms of the three referents (Jesus, his contemporary disciples, and future disciples). Hudgins, however, gives greater attention to the “mainline verbs,” shifting the focus to Jesus’ requests and final commitment. By giving greater structural significance to these verbs, he is able to present a fresh understanding of the structural division and natural outline of Jesus’ prayer.
Micheal, you’ve got a wonderful website, one that I am very much thankful for. Also, thank you for adding my article. I hope that others might benefit from it in two ways: (1) in helping them better understand John 17, and (2) in cultivating an appreciation for how modern linguistics can help us better understand biblical texts. The article is available on-line at Eleutheria Journal’s website, which I have linked to at my blog.
In addition to this, I’d love to point your readers to our New Testament Greek Portal
I’m in Apex. You’re in Chapel Hill. Let’s grab a coffee some time!
Thank you, Thomas.
I have taken the liberty to edit your comment very slightly to make the reference to Dave Black’s blog an active link so that users of this blog can simply click it rather than having to copy and paste the URL. Please feel free to add a comment with a link to your article if you would like as well.
I would love to meet you in person. I’ll email you.